Treatment according to IPPC requirements
Many countries have introduced quarantine regulations in order to protect domestic woodland from overseas pests, . To prevent a large number of different import requirements from emerging, the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), part of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), has issued the ISPM 15 (International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures) "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade" for the international shipping of packaging made from solid wood.
TREYER's large capacity of drying chambers allows all pallets to be supplied in accordance with the IPPC's ISPM 15 requirements. Our expert staff are happy to explain how to proceed when exporting timber packaging.
There is no need to resort to expensive and environmentally unfriendly materials, like plastic, for exports.
The main content of ISPM 15
- ISPM 15 only applies to solid wood. Timber materials and solid wood thinner than 6 mm are excluded (in accordance with the EU's harmonised system).
- Treatment of packaging in line with recognised measures. This includes heat treatment at a core temperature of 56°C for at least 30 minutes, e.g. using technical drying (KD - kiln-drying) if the aforementioned values are reached. CPI (chemical pressure impregnation) is only recognised if the previously stated HT requirements are met. Another measure is fumigation with methyl bromide (MB) depending on concentration, duration and temperature.
- The packaging must be clearly, permanently marked with identification on two opposite sides. The identification comprises the country code according to ISO 3166 (e.g. DE for Germany), the region code (e.g. BW for Baden-Württemberg) and a registration number issued by the regional plant conservation agency to the manufacturer of the packaging, the packer or the shipper (this number starts with 49 and is only issued once). In terms of the treatment method, the abbreviation HT is used for heat treatment and MB for fumigation with methyl bromide. If necessary, DB (debarked) should be added too.
Example of identification according to IPPC- IPPC symbol
- Country code according to ISO 3166, e.g. DE for Germany
- Region code, e.g. BW for Baden-Württemberg
- Registration number, starting with 49 and only issued once
- Treatment method, e.g. HT (heat treatment), MB (methyl bromide), if necessary DB (debarked)
- Use of debarked wood may be required.
- No need for official plant health certificates.